Learn how to batch convert Wavetable in Digichain by Brian Barnett. DigiChain DigiChain is a WebApp developed by Brian Barnett. It is a very useful tool that mainly allows you to batch convert multiple audio files and create sample chains for Elektron's sampler. The size of the Wavetable can be converted using DigiChain's pitch conversion feature. Wavetables(2048sample)⇒Wavetables(1024sample) As an example, DigiChain will show you how to convert a Wavetable for Serum or Vital into a Wavetable for Ableton.
Relationship between sound frequency and wavelength Raising a waveform one octave halves the length of that waveform. This is based on the relationship between sound frequency and wavelength.
When the frequency doubles, the waveform is raised one octave, meaning that a one-octave scale doubles the frequency. In other words, raising a waveform one octave halves the period (the time it takes for the waveform to complete one cycle) of that waveform. For example, if the original waveform was one second long, the waveform raised one octave will play back as a 0.5 second sound. This means that the higher the waveform, the more times it oscillates per second and the shorter the waveform period. In essence, raising the waveform one octave causes the waveform to oscillate faster, resulting in a higher pitch sound and at the same time halving the length of the waveform. |